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About Coach Yeamah

Yeamah has coached and counseled countless Christian men and women overcome childhood sexual trauma, adolescent sexual rebellion, struggles with reconciling sexual identity and faith and all the guilt and shame that comes with it. She herself is no stranger to any of this because this is her story.


She knows all too well the pain and challenges of being a Christian and dealing with the trauma and bad choices of mangled and dysfunctional sexuality; wanting so bad to follow what the preacher said but not finding any practical way to deal with her very real everyday struggles.


The GOOD NEWS is she did overcome all of those struggles and released all of those lies. God gave her a blueprint, a plan and strategy to overcome the hardest battle she’s ever fought. All of the fear, shame, guilt and anxiety have disappeared and she wants this to be the same for all LGBTQ+ Christians.


After her healing and transformation Yeamah looked around and saw how a wrong understanding of God’s will concerning sexuality was actually destroying people's lives & relationship with Him. She saw that they did not know the God she knew, the One who loved her in her weakness, healed her pains and moved her into a full on celebration of her sexuality. She became consumed with desire to set God’s people free.


After her transformation, God called her a Sexual Revolutionist! She walks boldly in this calling to bring people young and old into the celebration of their sexuality, heal their traumas and bring them freedom in their spirituality and sexuality.

Helps you lovingly accept & celebrate all of who you are without abandoning your faith.
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Finally be the Real You

Even if your family thinks you're going to hell

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