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Alone for the Holidays?

This time of year is either an extremely joyful time or it’s extremely depressing time for you. If you have great family relationships or friends you are probably super excited to hang out with them and take some days off just kicking back and enjoying life. If you are someone who has damaged relationships with friends and family, this time of year is extremely sad and lonely. I want to help you.

My heart and motivation for everything I do is to tell people about how amazing and beautiful they are, especially women and share the freedom that we have in our relationship with God. That’s what I want to share with you today.

Whether you know God personally or not this is still going to apply to you. No one on Earth was made to be alone, that’s number 1.

#1 So ITS OKAY to want to be around people who love and affirm your existence on this planet. This world can be really jacked up and hard to live in. We need people around us—whether they are blood related or not—who are in our corner.

#2 If you do not have people like this in your corner—it’s time to start being YOUR OWN CHEERLEADER! Treat yourself, pamper yourself, take yourself out—I know that sounds super weird but loving yourself is the foundation of all your other relationships. I used to do this—and I still do—love on myself by treating myself to a shopping spree at the dollar store. I was super broke in those days and I hated that I couldn’t buy nice things but I decided not to let that hold me back so I would save 20 dollars and just go crazy in the dollar store. It was so much fun!

I love to read too so I would go on dates with Jesus and take a book to my favorite park and even to dinner by myself. HAHAHA I know you’re probably thinking “oh my goodness that sounds like a nightmare!” But it really wasn’t. I’m so thankful for those days because if I didn’t have them I would not be the strong amazing woman that I am today. And yes I said that, and yes I believe that and no I don’t think it’s arrogant. It took time to build this confidence.

So during this holiday season don’t spend time focusing on how lonely you are or how sad you are—focus on enjoying your own company. Focus on being thankful that you made it another year and you’re not in the hospital, in an asylum somewhere, or on the streets.

#3 You’ve heard it a thousand times—go help someone else who may be lonely or sad. It is a powerful experience to step outside of your amazing little world and go share that cheer with another human soul. Somebody needs what

you have, even if all you have is a smile.

You rock,


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